
Published on 24 May 2024

Today, Sadhu Singh Shergill Academy, Mukandpur celebrated Earth Day with a special assembly that left us inspired and motivated!

The day was packed with activities and performances, each shining a spotlight on the importance of environmental stewardship. The special assembly began with a soulful Shabad to bless our proceedings, followed by an insightful speech on the impact of climate change and how we, as a community, can combat it. Our talented students performed a thought-provoking poem about Earth's natural beauty and our duty to protect it. This was accompanied by a powerful role play depicting the urgent need for conservation efforts. Various activities were organised to highlight the importance of Earth Day. Energy was high as students from grades VI to XII participated in a Cycling Marathon, promoting healthy, eco-friendly transport. Students from grades VI and VII crafted homemade bird feeders, using recycled materials, providing our feathered friends with a safe space to snack. Creativity flowed as bottles were transformed into beautiful art pieces by the students of grade VIII and IX , all while emphasizing the reuse and repurposing of everyday objects and to plant trees. The day wrapped up with students from grades X and XI creating amazing crafts from recycled materials and students of grade XII participating in a cleaning drive, ensuring our school remains a beacon of cleanliness and sustainability. The Principal of the school delivered a passionate address, encouraging each one of us to act as custodians of our beautiful planet. He insisted everyone to come together to celebrate and take action for our planet's health. From the Cycling Marathon to our Planting Drive, each activity was a step toward sustainability. Let’s continue to foster this spirit of responsibility and care for our environment every day. Together, we can make a difference!